Monday, 3 May 2010

Camdens Top Seven

I'm sorry, the quality of the images are not the best but they take forever to upload, so if you wish for best quality images and see them bigger go to my tumbler where all my street styles are put up in best quality here. x


  1. LOVE the girl in the yellow dress, reminds me a bit of Twiggy x

  2. that first picture is amazing, love it. Another great selection! x

  3. HI HI! xx im on your tumblr! thanks! I was a little disorientated! i forgot it was camden crawl and made the mistake of trying to cycle through the hoards.. love your blog!... amazing illustrations!.. i saw the wish wish wish one on her blog the other day and thought it was good then x i put a link to your blog from mine.. hope thats ok?

    Maria x

  4. cool photos but I'm surprised no one has wet hair!


  5. i was just reading the Asos magazine and a cute 60s chick from an American band called the Like was talking about her favourite vintage clock bag. So I thought I recognised her and lo and behold it's your street spot! Her name's Elizabeth and she was wearing these shoes in the magazine too! x


Beautiful Thoughts